Teens Vaping, is it a problem?

Teens Vaping. Our Thoughts.

Teens vaping, you hear about it in news articles almost all the time these days. Is it a concern? Of course it is. Is it an epidemic? No, we do not believe so. For those of you reading this article that are over 30… how many times in middle school or high school did you see a kid sneak off and hide around the cafeteria corner to smoke a cigarette? It was the same back then as it is now. If they want it, they will find the means to get it. There is no reason to say that teens vaping is an epidemic.

Teens Vaping

The real problem with teens vaping is it has become too easy for them to get their hands on a vape product. Most likely they are getting them from sources like gas stations and convenience stores. Any reputable vape shop will always card anybody under 30. This practice is much more likely enforced at a vape shop than a typical gas station.

The solutions to teens vaping is simple. Enforce the age limits and make sure everybody knows to not let it slide. Ever.

Cotton Candy Vape Flavor Attracting them?  Well, There is Cotton Candy Vodka too.


In similar news, people says teens vaping is caused by the flavors attracting them. People “say” flavors like cotton candy are attracting kids and people think flavors should be removed from vaping altogether. Now wait a minute here…  When I go to the grocery store and bring my kid down the liquor isle… he sees cotton candy vodka, cake flavored cream liqueur and much more.

All of these bottles have colorful graphics screaming “drink me” on them. So in theory we should remove flavors from any alcohol as well, right?  Of course not… just enforce the fact that the person buying this colorful cotton candy vodka is over 21. It’s that simple.

So in conclusion: In order to stop teens vaping is to make sure all personnel take carding seriously. As seriously as they do for liquor.


Teens vaping is a popularity contest

Some companies made vaping look cool so teens vape. To be edgy and one of the popular crowd vaping became a “thing to do”.  Most people blame Juul for it, but it is a bit more detailed in the background. It’s just like doing anything that’s forbidden, a temptation to show off. Smoking, drinking, vaping and even drag racing are the result from the same source.

Looking at the big picture, teens vaping is only a symptom to a bigger problem.

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