Why vape batteries explode?

Do vape batteries explode?

The news about exploding vape batteries make it sound like a very unpredictable and dangerous thing. And while there is no argument about the later – the former is nothing but fear mongering. Battery Safety is a very crucial topic for everyone – it has to be.  And while there could be a small percentage that’s manufacturer’s error, most of the exploding vape batteries are user error.

Why vape batteries explode?

The simple answer is shorted out battery. A vape battery isn’t prone to explosion any more than the usual rechargeable batteries. We all heard problems with the exploding phone or laptop batteries – basically it is the exact same problem that exist in vape batteries too. Improper handling – and not paying any attention to these little power houses can cause a lot of headache for any involved party.

Why is battery safety so important?

Batteries are not playthings, without the proper care in the worst case: the vape batteries explode and cause serious damages. But most of the time, it is not the batteries fault. And this is why battery safety is so important.

Battery Safety

The improper handling and disregarding the safety instructions is solely the user’s fault. It is so important, that many mods come with a battery warning picture in the box. It describes the most common problems, and when to not use a bad battery.

What is the most common problem with vape batteries?

The most common problem is usually the wraps. They can get damaged and thorn. Sometimes the insulation ring from the positive end is actually missing. These all could lead to a shorted out battery. To avoid this, and the worst case of vape battery explosion, take care of your batteries. If the protective wrap is damaged, for couple of dollars you can replace / re-wrap any functional battery.

What to do to promote battery safety?

  • Store batteries suitable when they are not in use.
  • Make sure the wrap on the battery is intact.
  • Know your batteries properties, do not exceed these ratings.
  • Inspect the batteries for damages before use.

Battery Safety Storage

What not to do with batteries?

  • Do not leave charging batteries unattended. Malfunction of the charger could cause serious damage.
  • Do not use damaged batteries. In worst case, the damaged can cause the vape batteries to explode while in use.
  • Do not expose batteries to extreme heat or cold.
  • Do not let the battery come into contact with water. Water and electricity don’t mix well.
  • Do not carry loose batteries. Use plastic boxes to store batteries, so they can’t short out accidentally.

What can you do to improve battery safety and battery life?

If you already follow the points listed above you have the right idea about battery safety. But how to make batteries to last longer?

Married Batteries

  • Replace damaged wraps. Re-wrapping batteries is a simple and easy process.
  • If you use mods with multiple batteries, “marry” the batteries. Marrying means to always charging and discharging the same sets of batteries together. Just mark the batteries with a sharpie so you will know which pair is which.
  • Make sure that the mods you use are intact and safe.
  • Make sure the vape batteries are not getting into any contact with the vape juice.
  • Make sure the batteries don’t get unusually hot while using and charging them. This can be a warning sign for a vape battery explosion.

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